New edition of the SET MATCH magazine!

It’s here again! The magazine committee of Delft S.E.A. published their 2nd edition of SET MATCH of ’17-’18.

Curious about Professor Lukszo or SET student Chiraag Reddy who is doing his internship at Kameleon Solar? Read their interviews!

However, there is more: Cannabis, TU Solar Boat, Energy in refugee camps, the Powerhub in the North Sea. Read all about it here:

If you enjoyed it, or have suggestions, do not hesitate to contact the team at

Register for the Business Tour 22nd of Feb

Come and visit Tennet’s Offshore Event where they will explain their Power Island idea in the North Sea.

Before TenneT, we will see DNV GL which is a technical consultant active in the sustainable energy sector, with over 15.000 employees worldwide. More information about this Business Tour on the link below!

2nd Pubcrawl of 17/18 was great!

Thank you for coming, we hope you enjoyed the second pubcrawl of the year! More than 70 students and alumni of SET attended.

This time the pubcrawl went also to Tango Café for a change! 

Thank you all for making this event possible! Enjoy your Spring Break and come back reloaded for Q3. We’ll keep you updated about new upcoming events.Here are some pictures to the Pubcrawl!