Day of Sustainability Symposium 2019

After last year’s success, Delft SEA together with 10 other student organizations of TU Delft will participate in the second Day of Sustainability Symposium: Let Action Be Your Reaction! 🌱

This day, filled with insightful lectures and workshops, is designed to bolster the idea of letting our actions be our reactions towards making our earth one step greener day-by-day. Amazing talks and workshops from the people of the municipality, industry, academics and research will give you a well-rounded idea of sustainability, and will pave the way for you to explore how you can make a difference. ♻️

Date: 9th October, from 12:30 to 19:00

Location: X TU Delft

Subscribe to the event page to know more about the speakers and the day planning. The participants with an X-subscription will get a discount! 👏🏽

Facebook Event:


Apply for the Board/committees

Thank you for coming last Thursday to the Delft S.E.A Interest Drinks, we had a really big audience!! 🎉 Here you can look again at the slides we showed, they have the information about the available Board positions and committees:…/1lIfUnkwva6mAlC3KD4kWUIG2id…/edit…

The deadline to apply is Monday, 23rd September at midnight. To do so you have to fill the form below selecting your interests and adding your CV and a short motivation. You can apply for several positions of course!…/1FAIpQLSeaGJl5KJswGQgsV…/viewform…

You can also send an email to with your CV and motivation, or ask for more information via email, Facebook or Whatsapp 😊

Interest Drinks Delft S.E.A

We will have Interest drinks for our committees and 2 board positions this Thursday, 19th September!!

Board positions:
– Commissioner of Education
– Treasurer

Committees :
– Study tour (lead by Mónica)
– City tour (lead by Özal)
– SEA of Ideas (lead by Anurag)
– Alumni Engagement (NEW!)(lead by Peter)

At the Interest drinks, we will inform you about the board positions, and committee supervisors will present their committees! We will have some snacks and drinks afterwards 🍻

Location: Office of Delft S.E.A (LB 02.230)

If you cannot make it to the event, please write us a message about your interest and we can get back to you! 😊

Amazing SET wekend!

We had an amazing and intense Saturday with our SET weekend event! 🤩

You were really enthusiatic about participating and playing games at the lake…congrats to the winners! 🏆 We could then gather up strenght with a delicious barbecue! 🌭🍻

Thank you all for coming and to the mentors for being that involved! We hope to see you in the next events that will come soon 😄