About TenneT
TenneT is a leading European electricity transmission system operator (TSO) with its main activities in the Netherlands and Germany. With over 22,000 kilometres of high-voltage connections we ensure a secure supply of electricity to 41 million end-users.
Leading European TSO
We employ approximately 3,000 people, have a turnover of EUR 3.2 billion and an asset value totalling EUR 19 billion. TenneT is one of Europe’s major investors in national and cross-border grid connections on land and at sea, bringing together the Northwest European energy markets and enabling the energy transition. We take every effort to meet the needs of society by being responsible, engaged and connected. Taking power further.
TenneT in the supply chain
TenneT is a key player in the electricity supply chain. This chain consists of producers of electricity from both conventional and renewable fast-growing energy sources, grid companies that transmit electricity (including TenneT), electricity suppliers, customers (industrial and small-scale users) and prosumers (energy consumers acting as producers).
TenneT’s high-voltage grid is connected to regional and local distribution grids managed by various other grid companies (so-called Distribution System Operators, DSOs) and directly to large industrial customers.
Business model
Virtually all of TenneT’s activities are regulated. These activities are governed by relevant legislative and regulatory provisions in the Netherlands and Germany. Regulatory authorities, Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) and Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) oversee TenneT’s compliance with these provisions. TenneT’s regulated activities are managed on country level by two operating segments TSO Netherlands and TSO Germany.
We are primarily tasked with providing power transmission services, system services and facilitating the energy market. Our core tasks follow from our appointment as grid operator under the Dutch ‘Elektriciteitswet’ (E-wet) and the German ‘Energiewirtschaftsgesetz’ (EnWG). These key tasks are:
- To ensure a secure and continuous supply of electricity as the key objective of our operations.
- To provide transmission services by transporting electricity along the high-voltage grid from where it is produced to where it is consumed.
- To provide system services to guarantee the flow of electricity in the Netherlands and large parts of Germany.
- To facilitate a smooth-running, liquid and stable electricity market and to support the large-scale transition to renewables.
Working at TenneT
For job opportunities see: https://www.werkenbijtennet.nl