We had a great time meeting the new students, including some of the incoming SETies, at our stand as part of the “Sustainable Thursday” event during OWee. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see our electrolysers and fuel cell – we had a blast!
Vacancy at EnspireME (German)
New Internship Opportunity
Student job opportunity (English)
René van Swaaij is looking for student assistants to help with instructions for the course Classical and Quantum Mechanics (EE1P11); please, note that the assistants will be paid for their services. This is a first-year course in the BSc programme Electrical Engineering and starts in September 2018 (so in this course you will find students in ranging in age from 17-19 and who have just finished secondary school!). Half of this course focuses on Classical Mechanics and this part is given by Erik van der Kolk (from the Faculty of Applied Sciences [AS]) and the other part on Quantum Mechanics will probably be given by René van Swaaij and/or Jaap Hoekstra. The instructions on Classical Mechanics will be given by Lambert van Eijck (AS) and Quantum Mechanics by Jaap Hoekstra.
New edition of SET Match!
The latest issue of the official magazine of SET is now available to read. Check it out at here!