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Christmas Potluck

Prof. Schemerhorn Professor Schermerhornstraat, Delft, Delft, Netherlands

Dear SETies, Holidays are coming soon and we would like to see you once more before Christmas break! So, we bring to you the second edition of our traditional International

Pubcrawl 2.0!

Town Hall Delft Markt 87, Delft, Netherlands

Pubcrawl 2.0! Its here again! Delft S.E.A is bringing the end of quarter Pub Crawl on the 2nd of February. Drown the sorrows and increase the happiness of the after

Reactor Visit

Reactor Institute Delft Mekelweg 15, Delft, Netherlands

Ever seen the amazing Blue Light coming from a Nuclear Reactor core? You can! On the 1st of March we are visiting the Reactor Institute Delft (RID) on campus! The RID

YES!Delft visit

Yes!Delft Molengraaffsingel 12, Delft, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Curious about what’s going on in one of the biggest incubators in Europe? You can discover it with us in our YES!Delft visit! It will take place on Monday 26th of


TATA Steel In-house Day

TATA Steel Ijmuiden, Netherlands

Tata Steel, renowned for their expertise in the steel industry wants to meet SET students! Why? Increasingly energy intensive processes and efforts to make those processes more sustainable warrants a


SET Pubcrawl 3.0!

Town Hall Delft Markt 87, Delft, Netherlands

--- Time change: meet at Town Hall 19.30 --- Better late than never! We're sure you guys have been expecting to hear about the pub-crawl dates and we have it :

3 Euro – 4 Euro

Van Oord – Visit Subsea Vessel for Wind Turbines

Cruise Terminal Wilhelminakade 699, Rotterdam, South-Holland, Netherlands

Event: Visit new sub-sea rock installation vessel of Van Oord Date: Monday, 21st of May Program: Tour on vessel (detailed program will be announced soon) Time: 8:00- 12:00 hours (tour

3 Euro

Spring Potluck Dinner

Prof. Schemerhorn Professor Schermerhornstraat, Delft, Delft, Netherlands

Hey everyone! Spring has sprung and the weather is finally nice again, and it's time for another SET potluck! Make some delicious food from your home country and share it