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Lunch Lecture Priogen

EEMCS Lecture Hall Pi

Do you want to know about the company Priogen Energy, located in Amsterdam? Learn how participation in the intraday market can contribute to reduction of imbalance costs related to renewable

DSEA Board Interest Drinks

EEMCS Lecture Hall L

Have you enjoyed all the cool stuff Delft S.E.A has been doing? Do you want an exciting and fun leadership position? JOIN OUR BOARD! 🙌🏽🕺🏼 We are looking for a

Sustainable Startups


CURIOUS ABOUT ENTREPRENEURSHIP? Interested in finding an internship/MSc thesis? You definitely don't want to miss this event then! Hey everyone, as promised we’re back with our first event. Although, we



We talk a lot about Energy Transition and renewable energies. In the forthcoming years, we will see significant shifts that will shape our day to day life.  Join us for

DNV-GL Future of Energy Systems


Hi everyone! We hope you are all enjoying the start of the academic year and staying safe 😷 Delft SEA is kicking off this year's company-related events with an amazing

Lunch Lecture


Hey everyone, this coming Friday, 11th of Dec, we will be hosting a lunch lecture where you would get to know about Sunrock, the largest company in the Netherlands for

CLASP Webinar


Delft Sustainable Energy Association (DSEA) in collaboration with CLASP is organizing a webinar on "Global Outlook on Energy Efficiency and Clean energy access". This webinar will focus on the importance

Sustainable Startup Event


On the 3rd of May 2021 from 16:00, Delft Sustainable Energy Association in collaboration with YES!Delft Students will welcome three Sustainable Startups will give a presentation about their projects, goals