Hello everyone! Come join us this Thursday November 30 in /Pub for launching the new SET MATCH Magazine Vol. 4! The team has updated the design with brand new content for this volume and DelftSEA will provide your first beer free! SET MATCH is the official magazine from the Sustainable Energy Master at TU Delft. …
Visit a real geothermal energy plant and see typical Dutch greenhouses! Delft S.E.A. is organizing an energy excursion to the Geothermal Energy plant in Poeldijk on Thursday the 7th of December from 14.00 - 17.30! The geothermal energy plant, called ‘Aardwarmtebedrijf’ Vogelaer’, draws hot water from 2500m deep at 85 C which is used to …
Dear SETies, Holidays are coming soon and we would like to see you once more before Christmas break! So, we bring to you the second edition of our traditional International Christmas Potluck! (aka Dinner) The idea is very simple, the entrance is free but you should bring a dish or drinks! As you all know …