Want to free your minds and put an end to the sleepless and tiring exam weeks in an interactive and interesting way? Join the Pubcrawl organised by Delft S.E.A on the 8th November (last day of Q1 exams) and explore the pubs in Delft with your friends, followed by a dance party in the final …
UPDATE: Registration is full! You can also sign up for a spot on the waiting list: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoRWPcsk17x9W9KaNkyePLLCxmtL_KLW0B0rnPo96nmtTS0Q/viewform The Delft SEA presents: The first City tour of this year! This is a day you don't want to miss! We will visit one of the coolest PV companies in the NL, we’ll play an amazing game that …
REGISTRATION IS FULL Save the date: November 20th! 📌 Join Delft S.E.A. to visit energy company NUON/Vattenfall & Windfarm Alexia! NUON/Vattenfall is one of the largest energy companies in: Solar, Wind, Biomass, Storage, Power, Economics in the Netherlands. They want to see YOU: SET-student of any year, profile & cluster! Join for a great: ✅ …
Free (vegetarian) lunch from Broodje Leo 🥪! Sign-up is required: https://goo.gl/forms/GiLZkeXM63LjSxPk2 Do you want to know what the key technology of the Solar Company Solarus is? And also what it takes to bring such a bleeding edge technology to the energy market? Join the Lunch Lecture organised by Delft S.E.A. in cooperation with Solarus and enlighten …