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Van Oord – Visit Subsea Vessel for Wind Turbines

Cruise Terminal Wilhelminakade 699, Rotterdam, South-Holland, Netherlands

Event: Visit new sub-sea rock installation vessel of Van Oord Date: Monday, 21st of May Program: Tour on vessel (detailed program will be announced soon) Time: 8:00- 12:00 hours (tour

3 Euro

Spring Potluck Dinner

Prof. Schemerhorn Professor Schermerhornstraat, Delft, Delft, Netherlands

Hey everyone! Spring has sprung and the weather is finally nice again, and it's time for another SET potluck! Make some delicious food from your home country and share it

Excursion: Offshore wind farm Luchterduinen

Luchterduinen Windmolenpark Ijmuiden, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

*** SOLD OUT*** Are you interested in renewable energy sources, like wind energy? Have you ever wondered where TU Delft gets its energy from? And do you want to see

10 Euro

The Smart City Symposium

Science Centre Delft Mijnbouwstraat 120, Delft, Netherlands

***REGISTRATION OPENS ON 10 MAY*** We cordially invite you to the Smart City Symposium on the 1st of June 2018. At this event, we will take you to the future

3 Euro

2nd Annual Year End BBQ

Delftse Hout Korftlaan 5, Delft, Netherlands

In order to celebrate the 2nd birthday of Delft SEA, and the end of this year, we are having a BBQ event for all SET students to eat, drink, and

DelftSEA Study Tour

Denmark, Germany

The Delft S.E.A. Study Tour is a multidisciplinary trip with 32 SET students and will cover a wide range of topics in the sustainable energy field. The students will have

350 Euro

SET Potluck Dinner!

Prof. Schemerhorn Professor Schermerhornstraat, Delft, Delft, Netherlands

In order to welcome all the wonderful new SETies to Delft we are having a potluck dinner! This should be a great opportunity to hang out with new SET students,

Documentary Night – ‘Before the Flood’

Aula - Van Hasseltzaal Mekelweg 5, 2628, Delft, Netherlands

If you could know the truth about the threat of climate change, would you want to know? Delft SEA, in collaboration with the Stadium Generale Delft, is organizing a documentary

Day of Sustainability Symposium

TU Delft Faculty of Applied Sciences Van der Maasweg 9, Delft, Netherlands

Curious to know how the world will deal with the energy transition, water scarcity and the growing pile of waste? Want to gain real hands-on experience on what you can
